So we have made it through the first few weeks of school....through MDT meetings, a 504 plan and 2 Open a ton of "extra stuff"....gymnastics is super busy...its almost hockey season....Kianna is doing show choir ...CCD has is crazy....but.....
Let me say I love Mrs Apple....she really seems to get Kelsey. The first day of school was our MDT meeting (which was supposed to be the 3rd day of school but thanks to good old Tropical Storm Irene school did not exactly start on time). Mrs Apple says to me ...." Does Kelsey's Turner's make her have to go to the bathroom frequently? Me: Ah no ...that is her defence mechanism....what did were you doing in the classroom? Mrs Apple: It was journal time ..but all I wanted them to do was color them..Me: ( thinkingg to myself .....Kelsey heard Journal and screwed out of there ) yeah she has a hard time with journal writing...
Mrs Apple: Ohhhhh....
And so the process of Kelsey's 504 ended on a good note....I got what I wanted which was her resource services intact ..... and Kelsey also has a plan for help with making sure she can reach things and has extra help and time to complete things as needed along with behavioral assistance and We will revisit after report cards come out and if she is failing she will get tested for IEP at my request. Homework has just started so that maybe an entire post ...stay tuned lol!!!
I am also working on getting Kelsey to sleep in her own bed all night...I AM EXHAUSTED!!!!! She wakes the entire house up...going from bed to bed...she doesn't like to be alone :-( is her excuse....I will get to the bottom of this but I need my sleep too......Then again why should this be anything new ...she has never slept through the night...NEVER !!!!!
Her shots are going very well. She is a pro! I am so proud of her. ....even when I stuck her the other night and bent the needle! I thought I broke it off but it was just bent....I am still learning but she is just the best about it all. She even lets Darryl do the one in her arms.
On another note....thank you all for the awesome support over the past weeks.....Dad is doing so much better. My Dad had a hear attack on Friday 9/9 and as he has put it as only he can...he is glad to be on this side of the grass! And we are VERY glad he is too! He is doing very well...tired but learning a whole new way of life right now....the heart attack was one thing ...its the diabetes that is another right now. But he is up and about and spending time with the girls and that's what he loves so we just keep going.
Talk to you all soon.....
PS.....Check my FB on 9/30 for a PSA about Turner's Syndrome and other growth related disorders!!!
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