Friday, June 1, 2012

Onward.....and upward :)

Well the GH switch was successful!!! Kelsey grew another 3/4 of an inch and gained 2 pounds in 3 months. She is happy with not having to get shots in her belly anymore....when you can't pinch an inch it hurts to get stuck there... I knew she had grown as she is finally out of toddler sizes!!!!! I can pass her 3 t's down to my niece!!!(who is 2 lol) Kelsey will be 7 in July and is finally in a 5!!!!! (ok so some of them are 5t but hey they are babyGap...I am not passing those up!)
There have been many other changes for Kels....a dx of ADHD (duh..I have been saying this since she was 2!!!!) and we have begun a med trial with her and hope to see positive changes for her.  I am praying for a miracle but not holding my breath.
She has also been referred for an OT evaluation for visual-spacial LD ....I am waiting as usual with the Neurodevelopment Center to get on it and get her an appointment but since it took a year to get the first evaluation and 10 weeks to get the feedback appointment...I do not hold out hope that they move at more than a snails pace. I don't think they like me very much as I called every month till they gave her an appointment and then after I called weekly till someone got back to me about feedback.....then they left me sitting there for 45 minutes till they met with me....for 20 minutes....but they told me NOTHING that I did not know about Kelsey except confirm what I always knew and gave me the piece of paper to get the ball rolling to try other things (meds) and the power to get her the IEP when she needs it....,now I will call them to get the appointment for the OT before school starts in September so that she can get what she needs!!!!

I am not fighting for her IEP just yet...I am going to see where she is placed for September...Miss Apple says I will be VERY happy...I am going to tell the Princess (principal) that I want her 504 kept fully intact and we will revisit in October with the new teacher once she knows Kelsey (and I have established a relationship with this teacher and have her firmly ensconced on my side) I am not letting her be placed in the collaborative yet....I just do not see it as a place for Kelsey at this time. She does well with good, positive behavior models and if that is the majority then she will model that...if poor, negative behavior is the majority then that is what she will model.......monkey see...monkey do :-)  She still hasn't made the 220 wall but she is trying and every day we try those damn flash cards and I am praying for one more chance.....but she is reading at a level 8 (whatever that means) ...and now I know why her spelling, math and writing is so damn atrocious (v/s ld) but she WILL over come this too....she is too strong and determined not too.

It was a year ago that we started on this journey .....with a simple trip to the dermatologist ...and one simple question...has she always been this small? She is getting bigger with every day...onward and in this case UPWARD!!!!

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