What a week it was.....Kelsey's kit came for her growth hormones....a visit to the ENT means another set of tubes ....the letter announcing who Kelsey's teacher will be and finally something for Kianna...her braces are coming off!!! I think I have my week a bit discombobulated up there but it was a very busy week so I will break it down for you all....
First was Kianna braces....that poor girl has had those suckers on for the past 2 years ....4 front ones to get those pearly whites in place. Finally that last tooth is in place and they are ready to come off. Hopefully this is it and she will be done. I am ready to be done! :)
Then it was there was THE LETTER....I began hearing from other moms(and dad) who their kiddos had gotten via Facebook and text message and I began to panic....I had not gotten my letter...did it mean that Kelsey got the one teacher I had beg and pleaded that she NOT get.....no it just meant that my mail man is slower than the rest of WW...lol Kelsey got her letter and we are very pleased. She is with her some good friends (good mom friends too) and good teacher. I have already spoken to her and we seem to be on the same page. I emailed her and on Saturday she called me and we spoke for a long time about Kelsey, her learning and her Turner's....Ms Apple (my name for her as I will call her for my blog) was very informed ...she let me know that after my email she looked up Turner's and looked into what educational issues Turner's girls have in the classroom...I thought that was really proactive and I liked her right away..I think Ms Apple and I will get along just swimmingly...
Then there was the ENT.....he was too was not surprised when I told him Kelsey had a dx of Turner's...."well it makes sense"...this form the man who suggested that she was allergic to milk and helped me get a rx for soy when she was a baby for WIC as WIC said the one from the pediatrician wasn't enough...WTF..... So he looks in her ears and says "well these tubes aren't working" and proceeds to tell me that she should probably have another set (#6) and that we will see if there are no infections this year and she does well with the growth hormones that maybe this maybe the last set...but if her hearing is still dependant on the tubes (the tubes keep the fluid from building up) then its a no go and she keeps the tubes .....so its a waiting game...but big news none the less...
On to the KIT....
I come home from work on Friday and there is this HUGE box in front of my back door....Kelsey is all excited to see what is inside (way too many House Party boxes have come our way LOL). So we bring it in an open her up....a big black backpack....inside is a book, a board game, a foam microphone (right up her alley) a cute stuffed dog, a sharpes container, a container to store meds in the fridge and a bag to transport meds to keep them cold with ice packs....plus the pen and directions on how to use all this stuff...so as I am reading it all she is obsessing over the microphone and the book and the growth chart (shaped like a guitar) and the stuffed animal...then it hit her...ITS FOR HER SHOTS!!!!! (wait till the meds show up on Tuesday)...But that appointment isn't till Thursday....stay tuned......
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