I have always been a good student. I love to read. Well I am beginning to rethink that statement as I spent the first few weeks of Kelsey's dx reading, basically what Turner's Syndrome was all about, how it would affect her physically....as being short is what started it all :) and into the growth hormones as that was a huge part of the last doctors appointment she had. Then there was all the other appointments to keep us busy...cardiology....kidneys....dermatology (which sized and counted her moles...she was too cute pointing them out and count with the dr.) Then I began my networking and joining, reaching out, finding other moms with Turner's Girls, joining web groups and email rings and Facebook Groups, national foundations and societies, and finally writing this here blog.....but now I am taking on my biggest fight ..one I have been picking at bit by bit year after year ....Kelsey's learning.....
Kelsey has always struggled with learning....she just gets things differently than other kids do. She needs more time to process what is said to her, she needs to be shown concrete examples, she is very hands on in her learning and she can usually only do it one way until she firmly grasps the concept and then and only then maybe can you change it. My favorite story of when Kelsey was about 11 months and we were working on what sounds animals make...." Kelsey who says mooooo...." she would point to the cow...Point to the cow and ask her what it says and poor baby would just look at you.....
When Kelsey was still in Early Intervention, there was question of executive functioning disorder...it all makes sense now....her sensory integration (which through therapy that I continued (thanks to an awesome OT who taught me what to do and gave me the tools to work with her)when the school department wouldn't because she wasn't "far enough behind"...the story of her life LOL)then when I presented her at 3 and 1/2 year old it was her hearing was poor and that's why she was motor driven (after given an observation from a colleague from the Providence Center who came to observe Kelsey for me so that I could bring ti to the school special ed department for as I wanted her tested as she wasn't progressing in preschool like the other kids...she failed the Outreach screen in Providence but somehow passed in West Warwick ...makes you think?) and now with Kindergarten behind us ( a struggle) and her motor driven ways (a constant battle) and my new found language ...Turner's Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disorder, Spacial Relationships, Difficulty in Math and Memory, Interpersonal Relationships and Behavioral Difficulty....
I have picks the minds of some of the best teachers I know and plan to keep bugging them and others (so watch out if I haven't gotten to you yet... I am coming.....) Plus the school department has to remember not only am I Kelsey's mom ....I am one of them....I am an educator....I will be her best advocate and I will not stop at no, I will not accept anything but the best for her.....this time I have what they want........a diagnosis......and I am educated....I am her mom.....
You are beyond awesome!!!!!